Events : Alameda Sheriff's Comm Van | ARRL Booth | Banquet | Code Key | Gordo's Breakfast | Hornet F-8 Cockpit | MDARC Open Meeting | Outside Displays | Parachute Mobile | Prizes | QRP | SATERN Van | Scouting | Special Event Station | SRV Fire CS-131 | Swap Meet | T-Hunting | Wouff Hong
Swap Meet
Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024
6:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Hotel Parking Lot
(in the rear; see image below)
The popular PACIFICON℠ Amateur Electronics Swap Meet
takes place again at the San Ramon Marriott Hotel.
Come check it out!
Hosted by the
Livermore Amateur Radio Klub (LARK)
NOTE: The Swap Meet will go on, Rain or Shine!
Admission is free to buyers.
For sellers, the Swap Meet spaces will be a "first come, first served" event. Sellers can arrive no earlier than 5:30am for set up. The price for sellers is: $20.00 for a double-car slot.
Sellers will be required to fill out and sign the State of California Form 410d: Swap Meets, Flea Markets, or Special Events Certification; available at:
If you do not have the CA State Form 410-D filled out you will not be allowed to sell