Alameda County Sheriff's

Communications Team (ACSCT)

Saturday & Sunday

Outside Display Area - Parking Lot Curb

See the Outside Displays page for other vehicles on display.

The Alameda County Sheriff's Communications Team (ACSCT) is a group of volunteer amateur radio operators providing auxiliary communications to the Sheriff's Office during emergencies, earthquakes, civil disturbances, and other disasters. The ACSCT is a registered unit of the Radio Amateur Communications Emergency Services (RACES), attached to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services.

In addition, the Team provides extra "eyes and ears" to the Sheriff's Office on the Fourth of July and Halloween. Team members patrol the unincorporated areas of Alameda County to observe and report illegal activities. The Team also provides communications support to the Alameda County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team and other volunteer units in the Sheriff's Office. Participation in the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day, and provision of communications support at public service events are also activities of the ACSCT. The Team has a weekly net on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM on 147.240 MHz and 444.200 MHz. The Team also meets regularly for training, drills, and exercises.

Please contact the Communications Team Coordinator at (925) 803-7800 for additional information.