Volunteers Needed!

Complete the Form Below

Do you love amateur radio? Do you want to be part of Pacificon℠?  If you're looking for an opportunity to meet others with the same passion for radio as you, or you are interested in learning more, then consider volunteering for one of California's largest Amateur Radio conventions. You don't need to know Morse Code, or have years of experience working as a radio operator to help make Pacificon℠ a success this year.

Opportunities to help during the convention range from security, guest registration, kit building, and much more.   If you are interested in helping the Pacificon Committee's year-long planning efforts, please contact the Pacificon Chair at chair@pacificon.org.

If you would like to find out more about what opportunities are available, please fill out the form below and our volunteer coordinator will get back to you shortly.

Thank you! 

NOTICE: Photographers and/or videographers may be on site to document the Pacificon Conference events and activities. Photos and videos are the sole property of the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club. By registering for and attending Pacificon events, attendees understand that Pacificon/MDARC may use their likenesses for future promotional purposes. If you do not wish to be photographed, please notify the photographer and/or videographer on site.